1649 cryptocurrencies
Total De La Capitalisation Boursière €11,811,015,996,270
Volume Total de 24h €2,655,004,970

XCoin XCoin

0.000014 1.59%

XCO is an ultra hybrid crypto currencies that was compiled from best altcoins, and bitcoin, allowing the ultra fast transactions to anyone anywhere in the world. Allowing you full control over your own balances.
X-Coin info:

Ticker: XCO
Release Date: February 27, 2015
Release Location: Bitcointalk.org
Release Type: Public, Zero Premine, No IPO, No ICO offerings
Released as Sha256d POW at block 1
Changed to POS on March 15th, 2015 at block 30001
New Block Time: Instant, every transaction creates a new block.
Minimum transaction fee: 0.01 XCO - TX Fees are paid to staking blocks.
Transactions require 10 confirmations to mature
P2P port: 14641
RPC port: 14642

X-Coin POS Stage Specs:

Minimum staking amount: 1000 XCO
Minimum Time to begin Stake: 8 Hours
Maximum Time to end of Stake: 24 Hours
Staking Rewards: Amount Range from .01 to 50 XCO based on staked amount
Max Mined: 50.00 XCO based on optimal block size of: 12500.01 XCO
Staked Blocks Maturity Rate: 110 Confirmations to mature
Decreasing Inflation Rate: 90% inflation year one, Then will decrease 12.5% each year (Example 77.5% year two, 65% year three, 52.5 % year four)

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La part de marché 0.00%
Ouvert 0.0009
Faible 0.0009
Haute 0.0009
L'Offre Actuelle 0 XCO
L'Offre Totale 0 XCO
Le marché de la pac 0
24h Volume (pièce de monnaie) 0 XCO
24h de Volume (de la monnaie) 0
Dernière mise à jour 2023-09-07 23:55:14
Date Prix Volume